Is it spoken word, theater, music or performance art? Defying definition, the inspired work of Jerusalem-based vocalist Victoria Hanna depicts her ongoing experimentation with the vocal and conceptual boundaries of language.
Hanna is blessed with one of those voices that demands full attention, holding audiences rapt and leaving mouths agape (Time Out New York)
Hanna’s work, a unique presentation of sacred Hebrew texts in an entirely modern context, weaves the ancient and the contemporary into a performance that is devout and austere, and unveils an insightful artistic virtuoso who takes your breath away (Ha’ir Tel-Aviv). A graduate of The Nisan Nativ Acting Studio, Hanna has performed at the premier venues in Israel, including Ha’bima National Theater and the Israel festival; in New York at the JCC’s Israel Non-Stop festival, Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), Makor, Lamama, Tonic and Joe’s Pub Public Theater, to name just a few. She has been featured at music and film festivals in Mumbai, Berlin, Sao Paolo, Boston, Kiev and elsewhere, and will be performing in the Czech Republic, Poland, India and Japan this year.